Got a good #climbing workout in before all the children showed up.
Got a good #climbing workout in before all the children showed up.
5.9I don’t have anything AGAINST children, per se. But they do tend to clog up the works at the climbing gym. Once enough of them show up, it’s just time to go unless you want to wait a while for a route to open up.
@garretble I'm guessing you toprope/boulder? Most gyms here you can get on lead routes even when it's crammed with kids - most of them don't tend to lead! Maybe more adults lead where you are and fill up those too?
I should clarify and say this is only a “problem” when I go by myself and there are only so many auto-belays to go around.
@garretble Ah that makes more sense! Sounds like a good workout before you got chased off!