A novel abseiling litter pick is planned to take place on Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) on 20th September to clear decades of debris that has built up in the Trinity Gullies, the popular winter climbing venue below the summit.
Renowned boulderer Mike Adams has recently swopped his bouldering pad for harness, double ropes and wires/cams and has been hammering the trad classics big time!
The Boardman Tasker this year goes to Headstrap: Legends and Lore from the Climbing Sherpas of Darjeeling
The post Book About Sherpas Wins Esteemed Award appeared first on Gripped Magazine.
Babsi Zangerl has made the sixth ascent, and the second female ascent, of Ron Kauk's Vernal Falls trad route Magic Line, 8c+.