Award-winning wildlife photographer says, "It's every bit as perverse as you can imagine and once again shows just how little respect these associations have for our big predators that are such a key to our province's biodiversity..."
The post Money Offered to Kill Wolves to Save Caribou appeared first on Gripped Magazine.
The Sphinx, a snow patch on Braeriach that was famous for decades for surviving year-round, has melted in recent days. This is the fourth consecutive year that it has completely vanished by autumn.
New send footage was just released of the striking Little Cottonwood Canyon bloc
The post Sean Bailey Opening The Doors of Perception V15 appeared first on Gripped Magazine.
It's the 20-year-old's second time standing atop a Lead World Cup podium
The post American Colin Duffy Wins Gold at Chamonix World Cup appeared first on Gripped Magazine.