Just "fixed" the BetaCreator software used to create rock climbing topo images, now working on modern web browsers
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@bohwaz@mamot.fr thanks for sharing! I saw your post on MP and now it's also shared with the OpenBeta forum.
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@bohwaz@mamot.fr that's still really cool, and worth doing. To my knowledge I think Viet from OpenBeta is actually working on a topo drawing tool as well (as indicated in his blog post from this past March)
I wonder if combining resources would be fruitful.
Hi @bohwaz@mamot.fr, I tried to use your version of the BetaCreator but I'm getting some errors client-side:
The image I loaded opens, but none of the buttons work. Excited to try it though! Let me know if I can help.
@devnull Googling this error, it seems that you have exceeded the size of local storage allowed by your browser. This is probably because this app saves the image you are working on in localStorage. Try either a smaller image, or a different browser?
@devnull I just added a new error message in case this happens, and a check to reject loading the image if it's over 8 MB in size, as apparently most browsers limit the storage quota to 10 MB.
@devnull Ah! thanks! Fixed it!