So my belay loop got clipped into a quickdraw today...
So this happened today.
I fell off a route, rested a bit, and made my way back up. The rope was still under tension, and as I moved up and over, my belay loop brushed past the draw and clipped into it
Sounded like someone else clipping a draw so I didn't think twice about it, until I became stuck on the wall
@devnull Not THAT weird... I've done it deliberately occasionally on autobelays to work a move higher up the route.
@devnull Not all of them... There are 10 in total; 4 are rentable for short clip&climb sessions as well as general use, 2 are overflow. The other 4 are set mostly for experienced climbers and have draws.... But it's really handy as an coach for teaching lead and handy as a climber to get some stamina and clip position practice in at the same time...