https://www.cyclingeu.com/454823/seized-bb-on-ti-frame/ seized bb on ti frame #Bicycling #Bike #BikeRepair #Biking #Cycling #Repair
https://www.cyclingeu.com/454821/thought-you-all-might-appreciate-my-new-bike-havent-had-time-to-ride-it-much-but-i-sure-like-looking-at-it-just-got-some-cheap-new-yellow-pedals-to-add-to-it/ Thought you all might appreciate my new bike!
My manual on the history of micro broadcasting and the construction of my own mini FM radio transmitter by @mediaarchaeologylab arrived in the mail and it's a wonderful little piece of literature.
https://www.europesays.com/1657059/ Community focused entertainment and shopping are just minutes away in Burien #america #Arts #Burien #BurienNews #business #Christmas #CityOfBurien #Entertainment #Events #health #holidays #It'sAWonderfulBurien #ShopL...
I have been pretty lazy lately with the holidays and stuff -- and I should be better at getting some regular exercise.
https://www.cyclingeu.com/454815/light-rain-at-beginning-of-session/ Light rain at beginning of session #Bicycle #BicycleMotocross #Bicycling #Bike #Biking #BMX #Cycling
https://www.wacoca.com/news/2296731/ 【深層NEWS】国民・玉木雄一郎×自民・井上信治▽少数与党VS野党…初の論戦「企業・団体」献金は存続?禁止?“政治団体除く”抜け穴も?▽178万円への期待と財源▽少数与党と国民民主の距離感は #Japan #LatestNews #LIVE #NEWS #news_ntv #NTV #NTVNEWS #NTVNEWS24 #NTVNEWSChannel #ntv_news #Tokyo #UCuTAXTexrhetbOe3zg...