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Allow user to record attempts in addition to ticks

  • I would like to suggest allowing the user to record attempts of a route in addition to ticks. This is really helpful for projecting. The cumulative stats should initially only include ticks probably. However, it would be nice to be able to toggle a view that includes attempts as well.

  • I agree, being able to record attempts (or "fell/hung" as MP calls it) would be a nice addition.

    Oftentimes I would like to record the routes I try because I like to go back and see what routes were attempted, even if not completed.

    I have a pretty bad memory so if I don't note it down, then two months later when I tell someone about "that really great route that kicked my butt", I wouldn't know what it was!

    I understand that there are some strong feelings about ticks only being for climbs you've done free, but I think being open to multiple interpretations of the system would be better.

    As @emurray100 says, excluding those from cumulative stats would probably head off those concerns.

  • "I understand that there are some strong feelings about ticks only being for climbs you've done free"
    To be clear attempts and ticks are two different things

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